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AngelWingSmile Bulletin -- (참고 서적)

+ The Billy Graham Christian Worker’s Handbook
           (By Billy Graham Evanglistic Association)
            - Depression (우울증) (page 85-89) 
+ God’s Answers To Life’s Difficults Questions (By Rick Warren, Living with Purpose series) - How Can I Defeat Depression? (Chapter 3, p 43-61) (내가 어떻게 우울증을 이길수 있는가?)
+  Beyond Blue  (침울함, 그 내면의 것들…)
             (By Therese J. Borchard; Author of the popular  
                          Beliefnet.com. blog)

           - Surviving Depression & Anxiety 
             And Making the Most of Bad Genes


그리스도께서 너희를 사랑하신 것같이
너희도 사랑 가운데서 행하라.
예베소서 5:2 NIV

Email:   ShareInLove@AngelWingSmile.org
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A non-profit corporation registered in Washington, USA
-- Established September 5, 2010 --