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Message from the AngelWingSmile Directors

  Depression is a psychological suffering that comes from various causes and circumstances,
but is just as real as physical suffering.

So many individuals and families have depression and feel they have to carry the burden
of this inward heart-rending pain in the darkness.

In that darkness, they cannot express their pain - even to family members or closest friends.

This breaks our hearts.

Share in love... through Jesus Christ's love. Let's fly from the darkness to the light
with AngelWingSmile!

Healing Depression
with Your Help and Your Hope

It is very important to communicate with your family and close friends who are having difficult situations with depression. Pay attention to their current psychological (mental) condition. When their condition is serious, you need to encourage them to get medical treatment and seek professional psychological counseling.

Depression can occurred at any age. The causes can be genetic or circumstantial. Medical studies have found many causes are linked to a chemical (hormone) imbalance that prevents the human brain from functioning normally. Medical studies classify these by symptoms or degree of progression. They are continually researching and developing curable medicines. The various medical (mental, psychological) science fields have an interest in modern mental health and are constantly trying to improve treatment through a variety of methods and procedures, often publishing results in various sources. If you don't find information particular to your situation, keep looking at website, library books, or ask medical professionals for help.

A person with depression may also suffer with loneliness, fear, or may become terrified without any specific reason. Depression is psychological (mental) distress but can also manifest itself in physical sickness. These symptoms are hard to understand or express, even to their own selves. As the symptoms gradually grow more severe, a person with depression can lose their self-worth and can even have difficulty breathing. The individual can have wide mood swings, especially in the morning and evening. When this happens, the person can suffer anxiety attacks and find it very hard to being alone. During these times it is important to be there beside the person to offer encouragement and support. Just be there for them.

It is not helpful to talk harshly to someone suffering with depression. For example, don't ask questions like "I know you are a very brave and smart person, so what happen to you?" or "Why don't you be happy?". The depressed person cries out for self-confidence and wants to be happy and find joy in living, but that person has limited ability since depression can drain their sources of energy just as a physical illness does. Therefore, you as a helper need to be gentle and caring. Offer extra patience and support with true love. You can help the person be calm and feel safe with simple positive conversations and therapeutic methods of daily living.

It is a priority for the depressed person to find self-worth and life with purpose. It is critically important for you to show your loving heart and genuine caring. Even if you are receiving a lot of irritation or anger from them, please don't take it personally. Instead, you as a helper need to be patient and understanding of the causes of this illness and its symptoms.

You also need to pray for the healing power of God's mercy and grace. Deal with them patiently with kind-hearted actions which can assist the healing processes. When the person has made progress toward healing, they continue to need your encouragement, joy, and expressions of hope. Talk to them about God's promising words and Christ's love. Pray together. Then, eventually and slowly, the person will see their light of hope grow into faith, and they will get out from the darkness of depression, and you will be part of their miraculous cure.

You can help the healing process with your hope and faith. Be there for them, and pray for them with true love... just as Christ loves us. Through your caring for individuals and families with depression, they will see the change from darkness to the light of hope, and we all can have smiles of happiness together!

AngelWingSmile founders

  Love each other
as I have loved you.
John 15:12 NIV
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A non-profit corporation registered in Washington, USA
-- Established September 5, 2010 --