Angel Wingsmile !
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  Thank you, our God, for giving us the opportunity to establish AngelWingSmile
charity mission and service to those in need.

And we thank each of you sincerely for your continued support and encouragement.
Your willingness to help by participating in this mission through prayer and support,
can bring light to those individuals and families around us suffering with depression.

When we share in love as Christ loves us, we will live in the light of God's love with
peace and happiness!

May God bless you and your family. We pray for you and with you. Thank you
for your support for AngelWingSmile!

J. R. and Candy Smith
AngelWingSmile Directors

  Live a life of love,
just as Christ loved us.
Ephesians 5:2 NIV
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 © Copyright 2010-2024 AngelWingSmile.   All rights reserved.
A non-profit corporation registered in Washington, USA
-- Established September 5, 2010 --